Eunice Perkins' photos with the keyword: Otorohanga


14 Sep 2019 5 5 662
In Kiwi House at Otorohanga.


18 Aug 2019 9 6 620
In the Kiwi House at Otorohanga.

Line Of Shops

16 Jul 2019 2 1 616
In Otorohanga's Main Street.

Kiwi House Occupants.

24 Jun 2019 7 5 708
Bar-tailed Godwits in the Kiwi House at Otorohanga.

Otorohanga Town Sign.

22 Mar 2019 5 4 602
This is the sign that greets visitors at the entrance to Otorohanga in the North Island Of New Zealand. It is a kiwi. Archive Airings......AA301.....Curves H.A.H.W.E.

Native New Zealand Skink

08 Feb 2019 7 2 513
In the Kiwi House at Otorohanga. H.A.N.W.E.