Eunice Perkins' photos with the keyword: lichen

Green Beauty.

Lichen on Tree Trunk

19 Mar 2019 13 10 549
At the Hidden Valley, Orakei Korako. Macro Dreams Challenges.....nature's Poetry.

Rock at Mangapohue Natural Bridge.

01 Jan 2019 5 3 608
Archive Airings....AA 296....Imagination.

Fence with Lichen

Growing Wild.

22 Oct 2018 4 4 380
Lichen and Leaves at Marakopa Falls.

Lichen on Fence Post.

Fence Under Pines.

All Along the Fence Line.

28 Aug 2015 10 7 662
HFF. Archive Airings.......AA 214.......Along the Fence Line.

Lichen on Fence Post.


04 Apr 2015 2 2 302
Treasure Hunt...April 2015...Lichen Or Moss...Crow-TH4/15/9

23 items in total