ScribeGirl's photos with the keyword: spectators

Dejected jester, St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke

Green hair

05 Apr 2009 99
St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke, Massachusetts

Boy, St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke

Street vendor, St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke

Passing the hat, St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke

Three girls, St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke

Party house, St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke

23 Mar 2009 104
Where's O'Waldo?

Stylists' float, St. Patrick's Parade, Holyoke

24 Mar 2009 149
Need I say it was windy?

Refuel your bottle

11 Sep 2010 163
Spectators, Bike MS, New Bern, North Carolina

Yellow man

16 Jan 2011 171
...with purple friends.

Waiting for the ceremony

30 May 2011 98
Memorial Day, National Cemetery, New Bern, North Carolina

Contented couple