Ron's Log's photos with the keyword: Norris Geyser Basin

Norris Geyser Basin Museum (4297)

Norris Geyser Basin Museum (4332)

Porcelain Basin 360

In Porcelain Basin (1717)

Steam Vent (4302)

Black Growler Steam Vent (4301)

Norris Geyser Basin Museum (4331)

Vent & Insect (4330A)

Vent & Insect (4330)

Crackling Lake (4329)

16 Oct 2009 826
Visually not too impressive, this shallow lake was fed by dozens and dozens of tiny geysers that made it sound like frying bacon!

Porcelain Basin (4322)

Porcelain Basin (2)

Norris Geyser Basin Museum (4296)

Thermophilic Colors (4320)

16 Oct 2009 611
Different microorganisms living at different temperatures have different colors.

Thermophilic Colors (4319)

16 Oct 2009 441
Different microorganisms living at different temperatures have different colors.

Living Thermometer (4318)

In Porcelain Basin (4303)

Ledge Geyser & Black Growler (4321)

20 items in total