Rob Fletcher's photos with the keyword: yellow

Yellow Sun

10 Feb 2008 133
Never point your camera at the sun!

Misty Dreams

10 Feb 2008 145
Lovely misty shot from on top of Sutton Bank. Of course, it's really a picture of the car park, over the top of the White Horse ...

Pine tree - yellow needles

17 Nov 2007 120
Autumn really is here!

Yellow Rose

20 Jun 2010 156
A beautiful Yellow Rose

Tree and Grass

19 Oct 2008 132
Nice planting

Yellow Hollyhocks

17 Aug 2008 126
Hollyhocks tall enough to grace any cottage garden.

Red Yellow Polyanthus

19 Mar 2008 214
Love the colours


02 May 2008 102
Not so many around now. Grown from seed.

An orange dahlia

22 Sep 2007 152
To compete the set, perhaps.

Yellow Spread

15 Sep 2007 1 153
At Harlow Carr gardens