Rosalyn Hilborne's photos with the keyword: Mudeford

Cheeky Starling!

03 Oct 2020 51 71 321
We were sitting in my brother's campervan overlooking Mudeford Quay, enjoying a cream tea, when this cheeky starling perched on the open window, staring enviously at our scones! We threw a few crumbs out of the window....and then there were about 20 starlings looking for more!! (2 PiP's)

HFF Everyone.

Mudeford Sandspit

10 Sep 2020 36 39 248
Pronounced Mud-ee-ferd. Trailing off the Eastern end of Hengistbury Head and forming the Eastern boundary of Christchurch Harbour is the ancient sandspit known today as Mudeford Sandspit. Today this sandspit hosts a collection of famously expensive beach-huts along with a fine beach and a diminished dune structure that once used to occupy most of this place.

Mans Best Friend

05 Oct 2017 19 17 321
And three more approaching. I wonder what the bucket is for!

The Ferry

27 Sep 2017 13 11 293
Coming into Mudeford Quay and going back and forth to Mudeford Sandbank and Christchurch Harbour.

Old and New!

26 Sep 2017 12 21 301
Interesting roofline! Best seen full screen.

Mudeford ~ A working Quay

Mudeford Lifeboat Station

It's a Sin!

24 Sep 2017 7 4 243
I feel a song coming on! ♫

To Avon Beach, Mudeford.

Mudeford, Dorset.

23 Sep 2017 12 17 288
And I thought summer was over!!