Revenki's photos with the keyword: Geysir

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 41
A group of tourists, who apparently weren't all that great at reading picture-signs, peering dangerously into the mouth of Geysir, one of the largest geysirs in the world (and the one that gives them all the name).

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 59
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 62
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 55
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 59
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 58
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 57
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 63
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 54
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 54
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

Road Trip: Day 1

19 Aug 2010 63
A few of the fairly regular (every 5-7 minutes) eruptions of Strokkur.

29 items in total