polytropos' photos with the keyword: concrete

the shark ... Pareidolia alert!

25 Jun 2020 31 46 701
Happy Fence Friday Valencia – Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia. ► Der Ruf bröckelt ► Spektakulär, aber riskant. (39.45792, -0.35688); [60°] – OpenTopoMap

Finde deine Mitte.

03 Jun 2020 37 52 871
Grandfey Eisenbahnviadukt ► Grandfey Viaduct ► PiP (46.82614, 07.16745); [200°] – swisstopo

under the highway ...

18 May 2020 25 35 467
... while they're driving up there 120 km/h back and forth. Murten – Autobahn A1 ► "♫ ♪ Under The Boardwalk" – The Drifters, 1964. (46.93601, 07.14225); [60°] – swisstopo

enduring unfinished

15 Dec 2017 7 19 595
Albufeira – "Die Unvollendete" Unintentionally fenced. It's the concrete reinforcement of a wall that never had been finished, so now it has the function of a fence. => HFF (37.08390, -08.26917); [280°]