Ceropegia's photos with the keyword: PSE

Dragon Attack - Where is St. George when you need…

21 Dec 2013 1 592
Aka Damsel in Distress. I did manage to escape without harm. Had a lot of fun creating this in Photoshop Elements. My initial rendition did not have flames, but later decided that the dragon should be throwing flames and was finally able to create some reasonably acceptable ones. It's a composite of three different shots, an old 35mm photo of rocks that I shot in Joshua tree in 2001, a wooden dragon which I shot and turned red, and me shot posed (against a blank wall) defensively, plus the flames which I painted in PSE. Another Link in the Chain - Linking a fire dragon with a fire breathing dragon

White Sands

21 Dec 2013 304
A phtotshopped rendering of White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. The original can be seen in the note in the lower left. (DSC02972)

Drum Roll

21 Dec 2013 246
Created in Photoshop Elements

Time Flies

21 Dec 2013 1 3 335
Pesky gulls, they will steal anything. This enterprising one has grabbed the clock from Big Ben and is flying off with it. Created with Photoshop Elements from two very old 35mm scanned negatives .

Cup Cake

21 Dec 2013 2 412
A very small cake or perhaps a very large cup. Created in Photoshop Elements