Phil Sutters' photos with the keyword: rusty wreck

Burnt - cut - condemned - Newhaven - 5.7.2014

08 Jul 2014 231
Another in the series showing the removal of this tatty, if characterful, hulk from the riverside in Newhaven. This shows that some of the stern and most of the superstructure had gone. An access port had been cut in the landward side. It looks as though internal structures had also been removed.

Newhaven wreck - 12.7.2014

Newhaven wreck - 12.7.2014

Old boat well saturated! Newhaven - 12.7.2014

Scrapping - Newhaven - 8.7.2014

08 Jul 2014 2 246
It is not clear whether the cut being made in this photo is the start of the hull's scrapping or relates to the removal of some of the internal parts attached to that section of hull. 12.7.2014 - It's now clear that this was the start of the removal of a squarish piece of the hull, extending down to the lowest visible horizontal rib and back to where the deck is shown in this shot. I took more photos today which will show the current condition. 2.5.2020 This work was never finished as these photos taken in 2019 show. It was still in that condition a couple of months ago.

The wreck Newhaven - 14.6.2014

20 Jun 2014 268
This was the last picture of this old ship in this condition. There were shots of it ablaze on the net recently, so I shall be interested to see what it looks like now, when I am in Newhaven tomorrow. Later - I now see in the local paper that it was a controlled fire, that got a bit out of control! Demolition workers were clearing the wooden parts before cutting up the steel hull. Will it be gone tomorrow - doubt it. Six-year-old grandson will be upset. It was one of his favorite landmarks when we first moved here five years ago.

Abandoned - a job half done - Newhaven - 25 5 201…

02 May 2020 165
Cutting up this wreck was started some years back and never finished. This shows when the cutting torch was being applied to the hull, back in 2014. This is what it looked like before any 'salvage' work was started.