Phil Sutters' photos with the keyword: waste

Commercial waste depot - close up Newhaven 8 6 202…

Newhaven 8 6 2024 a

Commercial waste depot - Newhaven 8 6 2024

28 Jun 2024 72
A panoramic crop of a 35mm format digital image.

Space Boy Rocket Bin Brighton 27 4 2015

Stuck up kitten Seaford 4 11 2023

05 Feb 2024 4 100
- but gum is horrible to pick off the soles of humans' shoes too.

Gum notice & bins Seaford 2 11 2023

Brighton Station forecourt from Guildford Road - 1…

Answer the question - Bin it - Southampton - 24 1…

City Centre bins Southampton 24 1 2024

Trade waste Brunswick Square Southampton 24 1 2024

26 Jan 2024 71
Real colour. I hope that those pallets are going back to be re-used.

Trade waste BrunswickSquare Southampton 24 1 2024…

26 Jan 2024 102
A grittier alternative view. I am not getting at the Premier local food store. Everything looks as neat as it can be, allthough the bins look a bit overfilled. Getting rid of packaging is a universal issue. Thankfully there are more and more recycling initiatives being developed.

Glass Guzzler - Mayflower Park - Southampton - 24…

Gas & waste fired power stations - Marchwood - Sou…

25 Jan 2024 116
The energy recovery facility burns household waste to generate electricity. All the plant is hidden under the large aluminium dome. The gas-fired power station was originally oil fired.

Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility 6 7 2015

MV Gomera at South Quay Newhaven - 2 2 2015

06 Sep 2021 1 87
The scrap metal collected by the Gomera will be going to be processed in Germany or Portugal probably.

MV Amika South Quay Newhaven 23 8 2016 4net

MV Helen loading waste at North Quay - Newhaven -…

18 Jun 2011 2 332
There used to be regular collections of commercial waste (as opposed to domestic waste, which goes into the incinerator) from this wharf. Then there was a fire in one of the large storage sheds, which took almost a week to extinguish. Since then the traffic seems to have almost vanished, although a new shed has been built. The scrap metal shipments from the other end of the harbour, at South Quay, don't seem to keep up with the deliveries that come in by road. The heaps of metal seem to be growing, although there is nearly always a freighter, in port, loading.

Newhaven waste water treatment works 31 1 2022

01 Feb 2022 1 123
An unusual subject for a panorama perhaps, cropped from a 35mm format photo.

22 items in total