Peter Ashton's photos with the keyword: animals

Sharp Eyes

29 May 2007 107
The fence is a major distraction so I have attempted to force attention on the face by blurring the body. Jessops ISO200 print film.

Mating Moths

20 Jun 2007 102
Came across these privet hawk moths during a walk a couple of days ago.

Rodney the Macaw

20 Jun 2007 77
Blue and Gold Macaw at Coton Manor Gardens, Northants., UK. Aylesbury Vale U3A visit.

Elephant Camp

03 Dec 2006 73
Near Chiang Mai, Thailand

Guinea Pigs

05 Dec 2006 54
I came across this strange scene in Sofia, Bulgaria during a U3A national travel group tour. According to the sign they are offering horoscopes at 3 leva but I can't read the rest of it. I think this is one of Jean's- can't remember.


05 Dec 2006 74
Near Nesebur, Bulgaria.

Pussies in the Well

05 Dec 2006 58
Taken at Nesebur, Bulgaria.

Eco-friendly Transport

05 Dec 2006 121
Rila Mountains, Bulgaria. Taken during an AVU3A national travel group tour.

Bovine Expression

27 items in total