Peggy C's photos with the keyword: Tall Bearded Iris

Collage of Colors ..

12 May 2020 19 15 366
Colors to add a bright spot to your Space in this World - 1- Tall bearded Iris [ she has been named Party Gal ] 2- Native North Carolina Petunia 3- Siberian Iris [ much shorter than the others ] 4- Tall bearded Iris NOID [ no id ] 5- A surprise ! Not seen before .. 6-Orange Poppy 7-Tall Bearded Iris / Peach Sherbet or Peach Fluff [ NOID ] May 10 - 11, 2020 In the Garden of Surprises 2020 EXPLORE

Peach Fluff ..

16 Apr 2020 20 15 359
Glowing in the sun .. Against the darkness behind.. Tall and Proud .. May you all keep well .. ** EXPLORE **

** Spring **

05 Apr 2020 22 17 422
Top Left - Dogwood Next - Pink Dogwood One of the colors of Creeping Phlox Bottom - Pink Dogwood To the Left - Hyacinths Middle - Tall Bearded Iris Such a beautiful day -- Mockingbirds singing Momma and Poppa Finch warning me not to come any closer to the nest .. A day caught digitally and in my mind .. * PiP in Left corner of each photo * -- EXPLORE --

Down The Road -

03 May 2019 14 13 451
N ot M y G arden A visit to view Bob-The-Gardner and his beauties this year .. Love to see other talented Souls who Dig-in-The-Dirt and what is blooming ! Red Columbine (Aquilegia) .. PiP 1 and 3 Tall Bearded Iris PiP 2 Siberian Iris PiP 4 --EXPLORE--