Peggy C's photos with the keyword: Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis)

Purple Attraction . .

14 Aug 2017 11 12 640
- Petunias of Purple have a wonderful aroma - maybe all Petunias do - but, since we don't have any but Purple - shall remain with my thoughts about Purple - must be why Clearwing Moths are attracted - flying quickly from one delectable feast to another - Clearwing Moths (if you have photographed them) - do not pose - not as bad as the Pipevine Swallowtail - but fast flyers none the less - one shot with no flower in it - that is the stare-down - he was overhead - the human just aimed in his direction - many photos are just being in the right place - at the right time - at least that is my story © All Rights Reserved