Peggy C's photos with the keyword: male

The White Ash tree ..

20 Sep 2021 7 10 247
- against a North Carolina sky - of light blue - with 'white puffy thingys' - called that by a friend across the pond - gradually green turns to Fall colors - except those that rain down to the Earth - a Wise Peaceful Soul - we talk daily 5 PiP

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail ..

11 Aug 2021 15 3 207
[ Papilio glaucus ] Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - m - enjoying nectar of the Buddleja thanks to my Dear Neighbor for planting this beauty ! - 4 PiP -

Just the two of us ...

03 Sep 2020 12 7 306
Mr Goldfinch and I .. he was hungry finding seeds .. once in awhile glanced at me .. especially when I moved the car .. but, when he was finished .. as he flew a way .. in his own 'language', I heard "see you later" .. at least that is what I imagine.. Taken at City Park .. 3 PiP of Goldfinch 1 PiP of dinner

.. a beauty

19 Aug 2019 12 8 412
Eastern Tiger SwallowTail butterfly - More than just dinged or ragged - They are able to fly with so much wing area gone - Thank you for your beauty and grace - © All Rights Reserved --EXPLORE-- --1 PiP --

Marvelous Monday ..

05 Aug 2019 28 22 335
Widow Skimmer Dragonfly (Libellula luctuosa) - per - A mature male - Such a Monday Gift ! © All rights reserved --EXPLORE--

Stained Glass Wings

16 Aug 2018 14 15 669
Monarch (Danaus plexippus) male .. Early for this area .. Went out this evening to check .. There he was .. Going from False Sunflowers to Cosmos and back again .. Such an unexpected JOY ~ - 2 PiP across the top - © All rights reserved -- EXPLORE --

Stained Glass wings -

16 Aug 2017 25 12 957
Monarch (m) - (Danaus plexippus) - Nectar from pink Zinnias must be tasty - He didn't visit any others - This is an early visit - From this Elegant Flyer - 1 PiP © All Rights Reserved

An early bird ...

07 Mar 2017 5 12 445
American Robin (m) -- one of many who have graced our trees and yards .. Singing a very rich song early in the morn .. A 'hello' to all who are out .. Thank you for beautiful morning music .. Enjoy the earthworms ! © All Rights Reserved

They are here !

12 Apr 2015 7 9 329
My Deah Friend, in Oklahoma, told me the Eastern Tiger Swallowtails would get here .. tough to believe when one keeps thinking that North Carolina should be a stop before OK .. Anyhow, (Papilio glaucus) .. aka .. Easter Tiger Swallowtail [ m ] was in the yard .. enjoying Creeping Phlox nectar .. shall set my non-existant watch .. head out the door twice daily .. cause saw the Clearwing Moth again .. two of them .. things are looking up flight-wise .. Thank you, SAB ... (c) All Rights Reserved

Papa ..

15 Jun 2014 1 3 254
- didn't see him today, but found him high atop the evergreen - if he ever gets close enough for a really clear shot - I'll probably drop the camera !! (c) All Rights Reserved

Incoming ..

11 Nov 2013 1 2 205
- clear to land ---- Archive Airings - AA19 - Bokehlicious Bokeh ---- - at Dogwood International Airport - now -- search for berries - come fly with us again (c) PeggyC

Still Here !!!

22 Sep 2013 2 472
Buddleja davidii .. continues to be a treat for Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly .. "The Eastern tiger swallowtail, scientifically known as Papilio glaucus, was designated as North Carolina's state butterfly in June of 2012. The butterfly is native to North America, and one of the most common and most easily recognized species found in the Eastern U.S. It's widely accepted that the Eastern tiger swallowtail was the first North American butterfly species to have been illustrated. John White - an artist and cartographer who was the governor of the Roanoke Island colony (that came to be known as the Lost Colony) - first drew the species in 1587 while on an expedition for Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia. The male is usually yellow with four black stripes on each wing. Females are usually yellow or black. You'll find them from spring to the fall, and usually around the edges of woods, in open fields, in gardens or by roadsides. They usually hang out around the tops of trees, but they like to drink from puddles on the ground (sometimes in large huddles or clusters)." (c) All Rights Reserved

Welcome ..

01 Aug 2013 2 3 375
said the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail to the human - we were told to expect you and the black box - some of my friends have joined me - but, being a human -- you will have to look up who they are ! (c) All Rights Reserved .. more info: "The Eastern tiger swallowtail, scientifically known as Papilio glaucus, was designated as North Carolina's state butterfly in June of 2012. The butterfly is native to North America, and one of the most common and most easily recognized species found in the Eastern U.S. It's widely accepted that the Eastern tiger swallowtail was the first North American butterfly species to have been illustrated. John White - an artist and cartographer who was the governor of the Roanoke Island colony (that came to be known as the Lost Colony) - first drew the species in 1587 while on an expedition for Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia. The male is usually yellow with four black stripes on each wing. Females are usually yellow or black. You'll find them from spring to the fall, and usually around the edges of woods, in open fields, in gardens or by roadsides. They usually hang out around the tops of trees, but they like to drink from puddles on the ground (sometimes in large huddles or clusters)."

Juvenile flight -

15 Jun 2013 7 7 799
- soaring - checking out those huge wings - his sister was nearby in the nest - chirping at him - but didn't join him in the aerial test - saw no parents - that is all it means .. I was probably seen - wonder when they start fishing? (c) All Rights Reserved

Butterflies... Spicebush Swallowtails

16 Jul 2009 3 205
Spicebush Swallowtail ..thanks for the ID ! Flying just above the grass... In my backyard, Central Florida, USA (c) All Rights Reserved

Under ..

06 May 2009 149
my spell.. Quack-Watch on the lake.. © All rights reserved

Quack Day Watch . .

06 May 2009 151
Sat on this lake bank and captured many antics of ducks, some geese & swans. Totally enjoyed myself... hope you find at least one or two photos amusing. Ducks can really brighten your day... Go ahead... Smile ! Quack Watch.. © All rights reserved


27 Feb 2009 159
some alone time.... © All rights reserved