Paul Hilton's photos with the keyword: camera

Nikon D1 and D100 Cameras

05 Apr 2017 2 1 365
Nikon D1 (2000) and D100 (2002) cameras. When first released, the D1 was $5,500 or £4,000 UK. The D100 initially was $1999. By 2004, the D1X was retailing at £3100 with the D2H now on the market at £2450. The D100 was now £1150.

Counterfeit Leica II Camera

05 Apr 2017 1 2 187
Russian counterfeit copy of a Leica II 35mm rangefinder camera. The inside workings would be from either Zorki or Fed rangefinder cameras

Yashicamat Camera

05 Apr 2017 1 1 168
1960s Yashicamat 6x6 120 roll film camera. A close copy of my old Rollieflex 3.5E TLR.