oddlittlebird's photos with the keyword: A Day in the Life

Reuben Tam, March 27, 1939

23 Jan 2015 93
"I am free; I can never know the comfort of objective understanding - that is the price exacted of he who walks in the world of wonderful, beautiful chaos."

This book is not intended for other eyes than the…

23 Jan 2015 113

William Christopher - Selma, AL, March 15, 1965.

23 Jan 2015 109
"There are young and old - black and whites coming and going - all smiling - all content on their mission - the hatred at the end of the block is locked out. It is extraordinary but nowhere do any of us find any temper, any dislike - but just plain brotherly love. I have never experienced this before. I cherish each moment of it. I have never seen so many smiling faces filled with radiance than this afternoon."

Henry Mosler, 1862

23 Jan 2015 116
"... went out the view the battlefield which was a sight that I have not the power to express."