MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos with the keyword: phoenix road

IMG 1386-001-Henry Croft Plaque

18 May 2024 105
Phoenix Road, Somers Town. Henry Croft was the original Pearly. As a kid, he earned money as a street sweeper around the markets, picking up pearl buttons that spilled from costermonger's barrels. He began collecting donations to help the poor and hit on the idea of sewing the buttons to his jacket and trousers to identify himself. Here's his statue in the crypt of St Martin in the Fields:

IMG 9781-001-Mosaic 1

IMG 9782-001-Mosaic 2

IMG 9783-001-Somers Town History

02 Jul 2023 71
On a hoarding (one panel of a mural by the People's Museum Somers Town), Phoenix Road, Somers Town. The illustration depicts noted area residents Mary Wollstonecraft, her husband William Godwin and daughter Mary Shelley, along with Paul Robeson.

IMG 9786-001-Sommers Town Bollard 1817

02 Jul 2023 89
"Sommers Town" is apparently the old spelling of what is now called "Somers Town". This bollard at the junction of Ossulston Street and Phoenix Road dates from 1817.

IMG 9785-001-Watching Eyes

02 Jul 2023 2 75
Derelict building, Phoenix Road, Somers Town. I don't know what "Supreme Confidence Founded on Cruelty" refers to. It might be the work of Abdi Nadiif (Bashaling Crew).