MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos with the keyword: electricity

IMG 9332-001-Pole & Palm

IMG 20200314 141220480 MP-001-Chicken on a Wire

19 Mar 2020 1 174
Inside the Arts & Industries building in Florence, MA.

IMG 7224-001-Wired

25 Feb 2020 1 1 174
Every house in Winscombe Street is connected to this pole.

Light Switch

01 Aug 2013 360
The Trustees' Office & Store is the only Victorian building at Hancock Shaker Village and it has the most mod cons. This is where the Shakers conducted their business with the outside world. hancockshakervillage.org/museum/historic-architecture/trustees-office-store


01 Aug 2013 1 1 380
I was very surprised to see that the Shakers had a tv, but they did utilize some mod cons. This television set is similar to the one that the Shakers had in the Trustees' Office & Store, which is the most modern building at Hancock Shaker Village. Guests from the outside world were entertained in the parlor. hancockshakervillage.org/museum/historic-architecture/trustees-office-store

Electrical Outlet

28 Jul 2013 259
The Shakers used modern conveniences including electricity and cars. This was the only outlet I saw in the Brick Dwelling (it's in the dining room). The face plate looks like it's from the 1930s or 40s, but I wonder about the outlets -- when did grounded outlets come into use?