MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos with the keyword: justice

IMG 6304-001-No Justice 4 Grenfell No Peace 4 RBKC

07 Feb 2020 204
Graffiti on a wall in Portland Road W11

Lady Justice

23 Nov 2014 265
The dome of the Old Bailey courthouse.

Recording Angel with Truth & Fortitude

23 Nov 2014 464
The internets tell me that the hooded figure in the center is a recording angel who is flanked by Truth and Fortitude. Old Bailey.

Old Bailey Reflection

23 Nov 2014 340
New building in Old Bailey Street, reflecting the dome and the statue of Lady Justice.

Friends Meeting, Center Court

20 Jul 2014 1 3 352
Submitted to Midnight to Midnight: Northampton 48 Hours.


30 Jul 2009 1 438
Northampton Quakers doing their peace thing on Saturdays. Center Street, Northampton, MA. See where this picture was taken. [?]