MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos with the keyword: falling water

Falling Water 4

07 Jul 2013 1 233
Part of the exhibition My Landscape by Jason Middlebrook at MASS MoCA. This is a gigantic mobile fountain made of styrofoam and metal piping. www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=754

Falling Water 1

07 Jul 2013 245
Part of the exhibition My Landscape by Jason Middlebrook at MASS MoCA. This is a gigantic mobile fountain made of styrofoam and metal piping. www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=754

Falling Water 5

07 Jul 2013 229
Part of the exhibition My Landscape by Jason Middlebrook at MASS MoCA. This is a gigantic mobile fountain made of styrofoam and metal piping. www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=754

Falling Water 3

07 Jul 2013 257
Part of the exhibition My Landscape by Jason Middlebrook at MASS MoCA. This is a gigantic mobile fountain made of styrofoam and metal piping. www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=754

Falling Water 2

07 Jul 2013 218
Part of the exhibition My Landscape by Jason Middlebrook at MASS MoCA. This is a gigantic mobile fountain made of styrofoam and metal piping. www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=754