.:madworm:.'s photos with the keyword: monitor

Monitor backlight

19 Jul 2013 310
I think it makes working in a dark room more pleasant.

My favourite OS

More light for my 'workbench'

24 Nov 2011 105
Minimum light

Upcycling old prototypes !

24 Nov 2011 96
These boards were used to light up my kitchen workspace some time ago. Since then I replaced them with an updated version with high efficiency Nichia LEDs, different micro and included caps.

Upcycling old prototypes !

24 Nov 2011 94
These boards were used to light up my kitchen workspace some time ago. Since then I replaced them with an updated version with high efficiency Nichia LEDs, different micro and included caps.

More light for my 'workbench'

24 Nov 2011 149
Maximum light

Upcycling old prototypes !

24 Nov 2011 106
These boards were used to light up my kitchen workspace some time ago. Since then I replaced them with an updated version with high efficiency Nichia LEDs, different micro and included caps.

More light for my 'workbench'

24 Nov 2011 106
No mood/ambi-light madness, just plain white light to keep me awake. Both boards are linked and can be remote-controlled from one side only (if I wish). I could connect my computer as well (ATtiny24s + soft-UART), but that is quite pointless.