limone's photos with the keyword: ipaintedthis
tulpen und goldregen
10 Jun 2023 |
"hausaufgabe" aus dem malworkshop - man sollte ein bild aus der natur nehmen und so nachmalen, wie man es wahrnimmt, ich habe dann zwei fotos zu einem gemälde verbunden. (fotos siehe vorherige uploads)
bushfire aquarium scan
09 Jun 2023 |
*** re-upload, scanned for better quality ***
result of a painting workshop held by a friend today - was meant to be the sun in blue sky, turned into a bushfire but a friend saw an aquarium in it - the AI does too, when I asked her what she sees in it. this is the original painting, watercolor and chalk.
bushfire aquarium
18 May 2023 |
result of a painting workshop held by a friend today - was meant to be the sun in blue sky, turned into a bushfire but a friend saw an aquarium in it - the AI does too, when I asked her what she sees in it. this is the original painting, watercolor and chalk.
spiral of life
08 Feb 2023 |
it's spiral of life now, with the past flying away and diffusing into the borders of the image and the viewer moving with time into the center where in the singularity the transition into a new continuum is happening
retouching with colored chalk
08 Feb 2023 |
the artwork I created at a workshop by "acrylistin" - wasn't thoroughly happy yet so I retouched a few spots with chalk today.
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