大青森's photos with the keyword: Astronomy


31 Mar 2009 333
Geht besser. Huckepack auf der Nachführung durch's MF 300/2.8 geschossen, 5 Bilder gestacked.


31 Mar 2009 331
Geht auch einfacher: Teleskop => Okularprojektion => Videokamera => Beamer => Leinwand => Foto.

Irgendwo findet sich schon was...

31 Mar 2009 422
... interessantes. High ISO...


31 Mar 2009 374
... um auch mal was in "groß" zeigen zu können.

Skypanorama - with constellations

22 Nov 2008 1 1000
Same like this one , but I added the main constallations. I used Stellarium for reference, great program. If you look closely, you can find the Pleiades in the right corner, and the Andromeda Nebula right to the center.


22 Nov 2008 1 529
Stitched with Hugin from 21 shots at ISO 6400, 20 seconds exposure each. Location: see map. Camera: D300, Lens: Sigma AF 14/2.8 EX HSM. The sky was not totally clear, even at about 700m about sea level there was a bit of high fog, reflecting a lot of nearby city light pollution.


09 May 2008 776
Taken with a 60cm diameter, 7200mm focal length cassegrain telescope (IIRC a reducer was applied), which a good friend kindly made accessible to me.


09 May 2008 767
The telescope which was used for this shot of M5 .

We are watching them, too.

09 May 2008 2 790
At least, we try our best. Observatory from the outside. (D300, 30"/ISO 3200 shot, untraced)