大青森's photos with the keyword: Wandern

Old fashioned

02 Oct 2010 511
Nostalgic feeling. It's not the Orient Express, but... ;)

Vom Brocken nach Ilsenburg

02 Oct 2010 330
To the left is Ilsenburg, were we started this day.


02 Oct 2010 533
The old railway, it's narrow gauge and still steam powered. They not only go up and down the Brocken, but also maintain some other routes within the Harz.

Other strange guy

02 Oct 2010 363
You meet such strange people, you know...

Strange guy

02 Oct 2010 334
You meet such strange people, you know...


02 Oct 2010 333
Somewhere in the midst between Ilsenburg (were we started) and the Brocken.

First glimpse

Werningerode Hbf

02 Oct 2010 400
OK, this was the Harz trip. Next: Denmark, tomorrow :) No, actually - we went (nearly) straight from the Harz to Skagen.


02 Oct 2010 1 610
Down in Werningerode, central station of the Harzer Schmalspurbahn - where they tend to and gather all the locomotives.

What do you see?

Vom Brocken auf den Eckerstausee

Second glimpse

02 Oct 2010 353
This is actually 4km closer and 400 meters less height difference than at the first glimpse. Thankfully, you can't see the top of the hill all the time, as the path is like, steep and evil to walk (old military road for the last 4km). But it's worth it, anyway, especially because the first 6km are just beautiful.

Ahrenberger Klippen

02 Oct 2010 324
Still high humidity levels :)

Good Morning!

02 Oct 2010 375
The first coffee was OK, the second (one day later) was awful. Need to contact the manufacturer.

In the woods

26 items in total