Kris Lockyear's photos with the keyword: WAS trip

The High Altar

09 Mar 2021 4 1 96
Peterborough Cathedral.

Peterborough skull (2)

09 Mar 2021 1 98
Detail from a monument in the Cathedral Church of St Peter, St Paul and St Andrew, Peterborough. The monument is to Thomas Deacon. It has a long and fulsome inscription including the wonderful line "He had an ample Estate which he fairly acquired..." Makes one wonder how other people acquired their estates! The school trust he created in his will still exists today as the Thomas Deacon Foundation. He died on the 19th August 1721 aged 70.

Peterborough winged skull

09 Mar 2021 107
Unfortunately, I did not note down who this monument is to.

Basket making

09 Mar 2021 1 72
One of the amazing medieval murals in Longthorpe Tower, Peterborough.

Peterborough Skull (1)

09 Mar 2021 89
This monument comes from the Cathedral Church of St Peter, St Paul and St Andrew, Peterborough. The monument is to Thomas Deacon. It has a long and fulsome inscription including the wonderful line "He had an ample Estate which he fairly acquired..." Makes one wonder how other people acquired their estates! The school trust he created in his will still exists today as the Thomas Deacon Foundation. He died on the 19th August 1721 aged 70.

on display

06 Feb 2021 1 206
This original Asahi Pentax is in a display in Peterborough Museum, not of photography equipment, but in a mock-up of an archaeological excavation.