Kris Lockyear's photos with the keyword: Fuji Velvia 100

Ogallala post office

15 Mar 2022 60
Agfa Isolette II, expired Fuji Velvia 100 film.

Midwest Motel

24 Feb 2021 71
Ogallala, NE. Agfa Isolette II, Fuji Velvia 100 (expired).

Ebeneezer and the pink fountain

22 Feb 2021 70
Yashica Mat 124G, expired Fuji Velvia 100 film rated at 64.

Hertfordshire skies

21 Feb 2021 64
Scene taken when out walking. Yashica Mat 124G, expired Fuji Velvia 100 exposed at 64 ASA.

St Ippolyts, Hertfordshire

20 Feb 2021 72
Yashica Mat 124G, Fuji Velvia 100 rated at 64 ASA.

Constanta fountain

20 Dec 2019 1 194
Seen in one of the parks in the city. Lubitel 2, Fuji Velvia 100 film.

stone circle (1)

28 Feb 2016 2 416
Seen on Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. Yashicamat 124G and Fuji Velvia 100 film.

stone circle (2)

28 Feb 2016 2 624
Seen on Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. Yashicamat 124G and Fuji Velvia 100 film.

Hertfordshire view

22 Aug 2013 4 2 750
A view from the Hertfordshire way in the east of the county. Agfa Isolette II, Fuji Velvia 100 film.