Ko Hummel's photos with the keyword: Astronomie

Sternwarte Hamburg-Bergedorf

Sternwarte Hamburg-Bergedorf

11 Mar 2021 18 3 150
Total vergessene Bilder von Hamburg=Bergedorf, habe ich damals bei Panoramio gepostet.

Sternwarte Hamburg-Bergedorf

Zodiacal star constellations

05 Feb 2019 12 7 232
Am Kunst-Raststätte Illertal-Ost

Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore

09 Nov 2016 18 14 438
It's time for Orion again, one of the most beautiful constellations. It is also an ideal motiv for your first astrophotography. In the PIP's two nebulae you can easily get with a 70-300 lens. Give it a try

Am Keplerdenkmal I

Sonnensäule am Grossensee