ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: karussel

"Big Monster" und Riesenrad auf dem "Hamburger Dom…

Dom Dancer

13 Aug 2013 1 825
Hamburger Dom, Hamburg St. Pauli. Interessant, denn sonst ist immer der "Dom Dancer No.2" dort... www.ride-index.de/include.php?path=content/content.php&contentid=182

Dom Dancer

13 Aug 2013 810
Hamburger Dom, Hamburg St. Pauli. Interessant, denn sonst ist immer der "Dom Dancer No.2" dort... www.ride-index.de/include.php?path=content/content.php&contentid=182

Different kind of emotions

01 Apr 2008 1564
*Bah ;-(* - *ouh*, *hahaha* and *lalala...* ;-)

Being beside oneself with joy

01 Apr 2008 1 1 2332
It was funny to watch these guys during the rides. ;-)


01 Apr 2008 1279
But the little ones seems not so thrilled. ;-)