ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: legs
Visualisierung der Stufenbreite Stehplatz Südkurve…
19 Oct 2007 |
Ich hatte ja ursprünglich Angst, dass meine Füße nicht auf die Stufen passen würden und die Zehen dann vorne in der Luft hängen, aber dem ist zum Glück nicht so. Wie sich dann allerdings vor mir dann noch jemand vorbeiquetschen möchte, um ggbf. weiter in den Block reinzugelangen, ist mir allerdings angesichts meines Bauchumfangs ein mitleres Rätsel - das geht definitiv nicht, da unmöglich zwei Leute gleichzeitig auf einer Stufe stehen können.
Rekonstruktion Südkurve, Millerntorstadion in Hamburg
27 Jul 2007 |
Pauly, sitting on my legs
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Being on the wrong place at the wrong time
05 Sep 2006 |
They all life, the cyclist, too. But the rim is dead, yeah! And that's with my full and complete satisfaction, sorry men...
People who drive in _this_ speed and then hurt other people (expecially me!) should accept that they (or their equipment) get wreked if they hurt my body...
My skin are OK in a few days - the rim not. don't mind...
That would be only their problem...
And he still would be a fucked dickhead.
Being on the wrong place at the wrong time
05 Sep 2006 |
They all life, the cyclist, too. But the rim is dead, yeah! And that's with my full and complete satisfaction, sorry men...
People who drive in _this_ speed and then hurt other people (expecially me!) should accept that they (or their equipment) get wreked if they hurt my body...
My skin are OK in a few days - the rim not. don't mind...
That would be only their problem...
And he still would be a fucked dickhead.
Where are my legs?!
02 Jul 2007 |
That's me... OK, I should lose some weight - can't see my knees during the walk... (taken by mistake)
28 Jun 2007 |
Man platziere sich also gemütlich vor einer Großbildleinwand, schnappe sich eine Leiter, um seine Füsse hochzulegen und mache es sich bequem...
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