ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: square

Stolperstein Siegfried LIEBREICH

26 Jan 2014 885
Here lived (Hein-Hoyer-Straße 24, Hamburg St. Pauli) Siegfried LIEBREICH Born 1873 Deported 1942 Theresienstadt Murdered 10. November 1942 Siegfried LIEBREICH (Gumpel), born 27. February 1873 in Hamburg, imprison between 23. June 1938 until 19. September 1938 at KZ Sachsenhausen, deported at 15. July 1942 to Theresienstadt, murdered there on 10. November 1942. He was a photographer as we. This is a so called Stolperstein. Stolperstein are made of copper, embedded on the street in front of the last chosen home of a family which was under attack by Nazis during second World War. Each Stolperstein tells a story, and the story about Siegfried LIEBREICH can be found at www.stolpersteine-hamburg.de/en.php?&LANGUAGE=EN&MAIN_ID=7&BIO_ID=2743 (unfortunally only in german). More informations about Stolperstein can be found at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolperstein (in many other languages, too).

Stolperstein Siegfried LIEBREICH (colored version…

26 Jan 2014 5 4 1414
(Picture in Picture. Hover your mouse above the image-note to display the colored version) Here lived (Hein-Hoyer-Straße 24 (at that time it was called Wilhelminenstraße), Hamburg St. Pauli) Siegfried LIEBREICH Born 1873 Deported 1942 Theresienstadt Murdered 10. November 1942 Siegfried LIEBREICH (Gumpel), born 27. February 1873 in Hamburg, imprison between 23. June 1938 until 19. September 1938 at KZ Sachsenhausen, deported at 15. July 1942 to Theresienstadt, died there on 10. November 1942. He was a photographer as we. This is a so called Stolperstein. Stolperstein are made of copper, embedded on the street in front of the last chosen home of a family which was under attack by Nazis during second World War. Each Stolperstein tells a story, and the story about Siegfried LIEBREICH can be found at www.stolpersteine-hamburg.de/en.php?&LANGUAGE=EN&MAIN_ID=7&BIO_ID=2743 (unfortunally only in german). More informations about Stolperstein can be found at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolperstein (in many other languages, too).

Lina eat red fruit jelly

Hoffentlich keine Rot - Grün - Blindheit

08 Jun 2008 1518
Hopefully thereś no red-green-blindness