Keith Marshall's photos with the keyword: 10-22mm

Greenwich Foot Tunnel

05 Apr 2007 246
Should have used a higher ISO for this.. no idea why I didn't. Also would probably have been better with a tripod :)

Sea of Glass (mono)

13 Mar 2007 323
Maybe I prefer the monochrome version.. although the highlights are a bit blown out - almost impossible not to do that here. Colour version is here .

The Grand Shaft

15 Apr 2012 1 271
This structure is stunning - a triple-spiral staircase 140ft high, running from the Western Heights down to the town. Well worth a visit - open the third sunday of every month. Three nested staircases allow troops to move more quickly from the top to the bottom than a single flight would. See the view from the top to get your head around the triple-spiral thing...