Keith Burton's photos with the keyword: Daucus carota

Wild Carrot Seed Head

30 Sep 2024 24 30 111
Taken during a walk on Hayling Island a week ago. Best viewed large! Thanks for looking :-)

Wild Carrot Seed Head (+PiP)

01 Aug 2024 19 24 114
Another couple of photos taken during Tuesday's walk at Milton Common, Portsmouth. The other image is in the PiP. Thanks for looking.

Wild Carrot with Soldier Beetle

05 Aug 2020 22 12 185
Wild Carrot is also known as Queen Annes's Lace, Bishop's Lace and Bird's Nest. We have family staying with us at the moment, so I probably won't be around much on here for a while. I'll still post stuff, if I have anything interesting, but I won't have the time to do lots of commenting. Take care y'all..............