Keith Burton's photos with the keyword: multiple


01 Jan 2023 21 22 153
Taken for the Macro Dreams Challenges group on the theme of: Patterns. Could also fit in in the following previous challenges: multiple, circles or curves, fibres, repetition, 5 or more. If you can't work out what it is, please see the note.

Blue Dice

05 Dec 2022 24 26 168
For the Macro Dreams Challenge Group's latest challenge............Blue. Also in the following previous challenges: Three, Geometric, Multiple, Have a good new week everyone and thank you to all who visited my photostream over the past week and left a star and/or a comment. Always appreciated.


18 Nov 2022 19 26 155
The first pieces you normally look for when starting a Jigsaw puzzle. Taken for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenge..... .Corners. Should also fit in Multiple,

The Fork Family

07 Nov 2022 18 24 167
Just a bit of fun for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenge..........Forks. Also fits into: Three, Multiple and Family Portrait.

Trottole Pasta

23 Oct 2022 37 44 242
Tabletop Photography. For the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges group: My favourite Pasta. Also fits the challenges: multiple, multicoloured, twisted, There is another version in the PiP with a different focal point.

Rusty Screws

03 Oct 2022 15 23 138
Tabletop photography. Taken for theMacro Dreams ✨ challenges group - Rusty. Also fits the following challenges: Multiple, metal, lines, stripes and ridges.

Agapanthus Seed Heads

24 Sep 2022 24 28 144
These are in a large pot in my front garden. Posted for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges group. I haven't been able to get a shot for the most recent challenge yet, but this one should fit into these earlier ones: Multiple, In the Garden, Green, Lines, Stripes or Ridges, Repetition, Seed Head, Five or more.

Threads on Bobbins

16 Jul 2022 14 26 163
Another one for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges Group: We don't have an official challenge for this week so we've been encouraged to visit previous challenges. This fits in: multiple, circles or curves, multicoloured, fibres, hobbies, repetition and 5 or more.

Group Hug

07 Jun 2022 26 34 212
The cherries are a little bit past their sell-by date...........but these were the best I could get. Anyway, after their hug I ate them and they tasted fine :-))) Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: Multiple, Circles or Curves, Fruit and Vegetables,.

Bulldog Clips

22 May 2022 18 24 148
For the Macro Dreams ✨ Challenges group: Clips, Multiple, Metal, Multicoloured.

Guess What?

03 May 2022 16 33 183
Posted primarily for the Macro Dreams Challenge group, but anyone is welcome to join in. I'll add a PiP later today showing what it is..!! PIP NOW ADDED! Also for the following challenges: Geometric, Circles or curves.

Fennel Seeds

26 Apr 2022 17 16 176
Tabletop photography. For the Macro Dreams Challenges Group: Multiple, Lines Stripes Ridges, Multicoloured, Herbs and Spices, Something Rough, Repetition., 5 or more. View large for best detail.............thank you.


31 Mar 2022 37 55 370
From my garden.........photographed indoors in natural light. The background is a sheet of black card. Please view large on black if you have the time. Thanks for looking. Macro Dreams Challenges: Spring, Nature's Poetry, multiple.

Black Peppercorns

18 Mar 2022 20 24 188
Tabletop Photography. Macro Dreams Challenges Group: Herbs and Spices, Multiple, Something Rough. Best viewed large on black if you have time.

Star Anise

12 Mar 2022 24 24 202
Tabletop photography - having a play with my macro lens and some Star Anise. Trying out the in-camera focus bracketing feature on my camera which combines multiple images taken at different focus distances to give a resulting image with a greater depth of field than any of the individual source images. I think I need a bit more practice yet........but I was reasonably happy with this one for a first attempt. (Also for the Macro Dreams "Challenges" group.........Multiple and Herbs and Spices)


22 Apr 2019 22 24 428
Newly emerged Garden Spider Spiderlings. These are miniature versions of the adult except they are not yet sexually mature. Each one is only around 2-3mm long.These will have moulted once in the egg sac and typically will moult once again before they gradually disperse and go their separate ways. My wife found these in our garden this morning at the base of a daffodil flower. Please view large, on black (or check them out at full size). They're very cute :-) Edit 2nd March 2022..........added to Macro Dreams Challenges Group for MULTIPLE