Keith Burton's photos with the keyword: repetition


01 Jan 2023 21 22 158
Taken for the Macro Dreams Challenges group on the theme of: Patterns. Could also fit in in the following previous challenges: multiple, circles or curves, fibres, repetition, 5 or more. If you can't work out what it is, please see the note.

Agapanthus Seed Heads

24 Sep 2022 24 28 148
These are in a large pot in my front garden. Posted for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges group. I haven't been able to get a shot for the most recent challenge yet, but this one should fit into these earlier ones: Multiple, In the Garden, Green, Lines, Stripes or Ridges, Repetition, Seed Head, Five or more.

Spiderlings (not at all scary)!

29 Apr 2022 23 23 232
About this time of year I start looking for spiderlings. I couldn't find any in the back garden, but as my wife was putting out the garden waste bin for the recycling people to collect she found these in a web around the bin lid. So we had to delay putting out the bin so I could get a decent photo and then I picked them up carefully up and relocated them to a small flower pot in the corner of the garden. If you can stand it, please view large for best effect. It's always difficult to get these completely in focus as they don't really stop moving :-) For Macro Dreams Chalenges: multiples, Insects, repetition.

Fennel Seeds

26 Apr 2022 17 16 177
Tabletop photography. For the Macro Dreams Challenges Group: Multiple, Lines Stripes Ridges, Multicoloured, Herbs and Spices, Something Rough, Repetition., 5 or more. View large for best detail.............thank you.