Joel Dinda's photos with the keyword: Southwest Michigan Devil Rays

Vince Mazzaro

11 Jul 2020 1 1 138
Pitching for the Kane County Cougars against the Southwest Michigan Devil Rays in Battle Creek's CO Brown Stadium on 8/1/2006. Second baseman Steve Kleen in the background.

Greg Reinhard

26 May 2020 1 1 120
Pitching for the Southwest Michigan Devil Rays against the Swing of the Quad Cities, 6/13/2006. I miss baseball. And I miss the great seat I used to have in Battle Creek's ballpark.

Pregame Conference

08 Nov 2014 1 231
Midwest League, April 27, 2006; Burlington Bees @ Southwest Michigan (Battle Creek) Devil Rays Sorting through some old scans. Managers Jim Gabella (Bees) and Skeeter Barnes (D'Rays) meet with umpires Kellen Levy and De'Andre Anderson before the game to trade lineups, discuss the ground rules, and whatever. Posting this because I like Gabella's pose. The stripes are because I was shooting through a protective screen, which the Minolta SR-T 101 doesn't handle that as well as my Nikon D300. Scan by Lansing's The Camera Shoppe.