Joel Dinda's photos with the keyword: carlton center

Hints of Autumn

01 Oct 2014 1 247
Carlton Center, Michigan.
23 Jul 2014 1 195
Photo taken from Barber Road, which could be said to be near Carlton Center, Michigan. Except that it's pretty difficult to demonstrate that Carlton Center actually exists, these days, as it doesn't show on maps (except as a road name) and has few mentions on Google. And while signs marked its location a few years back, those have gone. Yet: I drive through the place several times each week. I could take you there, and I surely could convince you the hamlet was quite real in the recent past. There's a church building (more recently a dance hall), an auto repair business (it's still operating), a former grange hall, and a few houses. A bit off the main road's an abandoned schoolhouse. It's fading away as I watch.