Joel Dinda's photos with the keyword: hickory corners

Barn, with Sky

13 Sep 2014 3 235
This barn and shed are on the grounds of the Gilmore Car Museum , north of Gull Lake and west of Hickory Corners, Michigan. In my memory the farm was more farm than museum, and (as you can see) they're still farming the land which isn't part of the exhibit space.

Canada Goose, landing

03 Aug 2014 194
One last photo from my visit to the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary.

Wintergreen Lake

03 Aug 2014 197
This is what the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary looks like, generally speaking. But it's a bit misleading. A few notes seem in order: * This is a static photo. The birds are not static; there's always movement. * The Bird Sanctuary is, essentially, this lake and the surrounding grounds. It's part of MSU's Kellogg Biological Research Station , which is much larger and mostly nearby. * As you can see, the Sanctuary's birds consist mainly of Swans, Geese, and Ducks. This is by design; it was originally intended as a stopover place for migrating water birds. There are, of course, less-evident small birds on the surrounding land. * While I'm reasonably certain the birds can fend for themselves, the Sanctuary has always encouraged children to feed the birds (you can purchase healthy bird food on the grounds). I've mixed feelings about that now, but loved it when I was young. * The Kellogg Bird Sanctuary's one of my favorite places. There's a nice history of the Sanctuary on the Bio Station's website, and other information if you follow the links.

Ducks on the Lagoon

02 Aug 2014 1 203
At the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary. As photographic outings go, this one was pretty darned good.

Red Tail

02 Aug 2014 190
As long as I remember the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary's hosted an ever-changing handful of injured raptors. Most have some sort of wing damage and all are unable to live in the wild. At Kellogg they live in large cages which have been set up around one of the ponds. The current set includes several owls, a bald eagle, and two Red-Tailed Hawks. The birds are cared for by the staff, and are definitely on display. Evidently some are used as teaching aids in presentations, though I don't recall ever seeing such use. The injured birds arrive by a variety of methods. Evidently everyone half-way local who cares for injured wildlife is aware that the Sanctuary can and does have facilities to care for injured birds. Each bird's cage features a prominent sign explaining how it came to be a guest at the sanctuary, an estimate of its age, and other information. When I was a kid these broken birds fascinated me. Nowadays I'm just glad they're being cared for, and sad that they have to live in cages.

Heading Out

01 Aug 2014 2 2 154
Canada Geese on Wintergreen Lake, WK Kellogg Bird Sanctuary. Near Gull Lake, Michigan.

Canada Goose

31 Jul 2014 236
One of several taking off from Wintergreen Lake, WK Kellogg Bird Sanctuary, near Gull Lake, Michigan.

Kellogg Bird Sanctuary

31 Jul 2014 1 1 269
As I said: The water's green . The Kellogg Bird Sanctuary calls this "The Lagoon." It's a little pond beside Wintergreen Lake (which is in the background of the photo), and it serves as both a display area and a sanctuary-within-the-sanctuary for the sorts of birds who nest beside little ponds. Of course, these particular nesting birds are pretty tolerant of humanity. It's also the first thing I see when I visit. There are several routes a person might take through the Sanctuary, but I've always begun by taking the stairway down to the lake, and the lagoon, right inside the Sanctuary's entrance. Because I like this view, basically. You don't see it unless you walk down those steps.


31 Jul 2014 261
A Mallard, methinks, at the W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary . The water's green because, well, the water's actually green . Blame algae. The sanctuary's near Battle Creek, of course, though it claims an Augusta address (I'm a bit surprised--I was expecting Richland, or Hickory Corners). I've been visiting the Kellogg Sanctuary pretty much all my life, though these days the visits are relatively rare. When I was young it was an exotic place, with Peacocks and Sandhill Cranes and other large unusual birds; with injured raptors--always including a Bald Eagle--in large cages; with colorful pheasants in a set of cages away from Wintergreen Lake. And Swans. It's the first place I remember seeing swans, though it seems likely I'd seen 'em in Kalamazoo before. No Peacocks today, and no Sandhills (though these days I see Sandhills pretty regularly elsewhere--saw a pair in flight on Monday, around Cloverdale). Mostly there was the usual array of Canada Geese and Trumpeter Swans on or near the lake, with a relatively small population of ducks. A good visit, all in all. I got pictures! Technically the sanctuary's a remote campus of Michigan State University, part of their Kellogg Biological Research Station .


24 Jan 2008 100
This is the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary, near Battle Creek. I've always thought of this view as the entrance to the sanctuary, though technically it's well past the gift/book shop which controls entry to the facility. I can remember that this view was quite different when I was a kid, but don't remember any details; I think this just proves I'm no longer young. Bet I can find a picture in my slides, or my dad's, though. If you check out the original size , you can see several birds nesting along the path... =================== I'd post some pictures of the recent snow--today's been absolutely gorgeous, and the whole week's been very pretty--except I've been taken by a really nasty cold and haven't wanted to do much of anything. The cats and I watched birds all day, but I was too wasted to set up the camera rig.

Hickory Corners

27 Nov 2013 3 186
My brother had a noonish Doctor appointment a year ago. I left in mid-morning and just kind of wandered the backroads. I had a sort-of specific idea for a photo--I'll discuss that momentarily--but mostly I just wanted to take photographs in random places. Hickory Corners is a little burgh near Gull Lake, famous mostly for a car museum . I've photographed this building before; it looked better six years ago . Oh, by the way, this doctor appointment was key to addressing some of my brother's health problems. A good day on that front, though it would be some weeks before that became clear. ========== My photo idea, such as it was, was "Get something in Prairieville." Prairieville's like no town I know--everything's arrayed along the town's main street, with no side streets. Well, more accurately, I know a number of "towns" like this, but none of the others have names. Prairieville's near Delton, and over the years I've been through a few times. I had a vague memory of what the place looked like but those were unspecific, and I certainly no particular photographic intention. So I looked, found the old store I used for the 366 Snaps pic, then took a couple shots in town and a few more nearby. Here's an 1895 map of Prairieville . It really hasn't changed much. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . Number of project photos taken: 59 Title of " roll :" SW Michigan Wander Other photos taken on 11/27/2012: I continued my FujiFilm F10 experiments. The results were decidedly mixed.