Joel Dinda's photos with the keyword: Power Lines

Barn Near Delta Mills

We're Gonna Have t' Shovel

My Usual Roxand Center Photo

Main Street

03 Dec 2020 1 1 147
Mulliken, Michigan.

The Stairway Behind

30 Mar 2020 1 1 126
Hastings, Michigan; 9/4/2014. I've driven through Hastings hundreds of times, often stopping for a meal. But I've not taken many pix of the place.

December Snow

06 Jan 2020 1 1 129
M-43, near Ledge Meadows golf course, about a month ago.

Michigan Peat Moss

18 May 2018 1 1 232
An abandoned building north of Eaton Rapids. Photo taken 9/30/2014. More information .

Potter Street

16 Feb 2015 2 2 465
Mulliken, Michigan.

The New Antenna

15 Feb 2015 1 1 436
Mulliken, Michigan.

A Cold North Wind

12 Feb 2015 11 3 560
Just east of Mulliken, Michigan.

A Favorite Barn

27 Jan 2015 4 374
Danby Township, Michigan.


17 Jan 2015 7 1 438
The view at the end of my street this morning...


07 Jan 2015 7 2 417
Roxand Township, Michigan.


07 Jan 2015 2 378
Roxand Township, Michigan. I spotted this potential photo from M-43 and turned down Cochran to get the angle. That worked out, but Cochran Road is pretty scary--just a sheet of ice.

It's Complicated

05 Dec 2014 2 273
West of Woodland, Michigan.


03 Dec 2014 3 2 368
I've been indexing my photographs lately, and was surprised to discover that I take this photograph fairly regularly. Every morning I visit Mulliken's Thriftway market to purchase two or three RC colas. At the end of my street I have to wait for traffic on M-43 (that's Michigan Highway 43, for those of you who aren't local). Sometimes the rising sun catches my attention while I'm waiting, so I grab whatever camera's handy and snap--well, this. Usually complete with the pole, the cable, the road, and the overhead light. Of course I usually crop those out before posting the photo. Today I've chosen not to do so on a photo a I took a couple years back.