Joel Dinda's photos with the keyword: usgs


13 Aug 2013 1 79
This is the United States Geological Survey's research ship Grayling . She lives in Cheboygan's harbor when she's not otherwise employed. A year ago today she was there when we stopped by. I notice they're building a new Grayling , and retiring this one. ========== I'd warned Joan the night before that I wanted to take the morning's 366 Snaps photo at the harbor, so we stopped on the way to breakfast. The photo I wanted was of the barge/tanker Great Lakes. I used to see the Great Lakes/Michigan combination in Traverse City with some regularity; lately, we've been seeing them in Cheboygan. Which is where they were for most of our week at the campground. Since I knew they could be easily photographed, I wanted to capture 'em. That pic went to 366 Snaps. We also wandered down to the Coast Guard station, but didn't have a clean view of the cutter Mackinaw. We'd try from a different angle later in the week. And a couple weeks later we'd get real close ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . Number of project photos taken: 8 Title of " roll :" Cheboygan Harbor Other photos taken on 8/13/2012: We visited Wilderness State Park, and walked two or four miles in the woods. And I took my favorite photograph for the entire year .