Joel Dinda's photos with the keyword: cottages

Thornapple Lake

16 Sep 2014 1 165
From Charlton Park, near Hastings, Michigan.

Above the harbor.

08 Sep 2012 114
They call those hillside houses "Cottages." After a while you get used to the notion. Not everyone who lives on the island is rich; most are just relatively normal folks who live in an exceptional place. But Mackinac's been a rich folks' resort since the age of the Robber Barons.

Beechwood Drive, Wall Lake, Delton

23 Feb 2013 2 113
Ah, memories.... ========== See the 5035 First Street photo for some discussion of what Wall Lake means to me. Eventually you grow weary of always shooting pictures in the neighborhood. I delivered the Nero Wolfe books to my sister last February 17, and found a chance to photograph something different. On my way to Kalamazoo I stopped in Delton, where we'd lived for a time in the seventies, to photograph the cottages my parents had owned. Turns out that only one is still standing. I also took a few pix of the area, and wished we still owned the property. I got off the highways for the return trip from Kalamazoo, since I had the time and knew the roads. The Christle barn photo I posted to 366 Snaps was an opportunity shot; it happens to be another Delton address, but near Fair Lake. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . Number of project photos taken: 10 Title of " roll :" Kalamazoo Outing Other photos taken on 2/17/2012: none.