Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: Ben Gurion

Ben Gurion Doing a Handstand – Frishman Beach, Tel…

28 Mar 2018 2 1 882
David Ben Gurion was one of the founders of the modern state of Israel in 1948 and was its first prime minister. Aside from being a statesman, he was a deeply spiritual person – although not in a traditionally religious sense of the word. Residents of the area of what is now known as the Ben Gurion Boulevard often saw him doing yoga postures at the beach. In 1957, photographer Paul Goldman portrayed the moment Ben Gurion did a handstand on Frishman Beach beach in Tel Aviv. Today on that same spot there is a statue depicting the iconic image. The statue was made by the German company Artilink Productions, and was placed by the company Zebra Sets. In my opinion it is a very funny postcard of the city!