Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: embroidery

Stumpwork – Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New…

28 Dec 2015 275
During the Stuart period, accomplished ladies passed their time with raised-relief needlework, characterized by elaborate designs and padded with wool or hair. These trays or baskets are a rare form of this "stumpwork." They were made from seed beads threaded on a wire and embroidered onto silk. The center decoration shows a couple in 17th-century costume. Made by amateurs, the beaded baskets imitated the silver layette baskets used by wealthy families to display christening clothes. Beaded baskets were probably elaborate household ornaments, or special wedding gifts.

Acupuncture and Handbags – Fairfax Street, Berkele…

Life Imitating Embroidery – Brookside Gardens, Whe…