Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: Street

12:12 p.m. – The Ferry Building, San Francisco, Ca…

02 Oct 2014 1 1 725
Bay Crossings is a private company that runs a ticket shop for the ferries plying San Francisco Bay. It is also a tourist information center. The company's kiosk in the Ferry Building features a massive clock with a significant history. It used to hang in the main waiting room of the Oakland Mole, the East Bay’s Ferry Building. The Oakland Long Wharf, later known as the Oakland Pier or as the Southern Pacific Mole was a massive railroad wharf and ferry pier in Oakland, California. It was located at the foot of Seventh Street and was the terminus for trains arriving from the East; passengers would disembark and connect with ferries to complete their trip to San Francisco. It was demolished in the 1960s to make way for an expansion of the burgeoning Port of Oakland’s container ship facilities. The mole in its latter years can be seen at the beginning of the 1957 movie Pal Joey as Frank Sinatra’s character makes his way to the ferry. The clock weighs over 300 pounds and is 8 feet in diameter. It will keep accurate time, thanks to a new workings obtained from Balzer Family Clockworks in Maine.

The Pacific Building – 520 S.W. Yamhill Street nea…

15 Apr 2014 572
The Pacific Building is a historic office building (built in 1926) in downtown Portland, Oregon, United States. This building was the second of three similarly-Italianate buildings built in Portland by prolific local architect A.E. Doyle’s firm. The lobby of the 10-story building was designed by Belluschi, and connected to Portland’s first underground parking garage. The connection to the parking garage was lost in 2000 when the former bus station to the south (which sat on top of the garage) was torn down and replaced by an annex to the nearby Hilton Hotel. Architecturally, the Pacific Building appears to combine the Chicago School with Italian Renaissance architecture. The red tile roof and dormers combine with geometric windows that are almost flush with the facade to achieve this effect. The lot upon which the Pacific Building stands is across Yamhill Street from Pioneer Courthouse, in the heart of downtown Portland. The entire lot once was the grounds of the Henry Corbett mansion (built 1875), which remained until construction began on the Pacific Building. Corbett’s widow kept a cow on the grounds at one time while a major city grew around it. This juxtapositioning of the old and new earned the lot a nickname: "The Million Dollar Cowpasture" The Pacific Building has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since March 5, 1992.

Santa Suit Rentals – Smallman Street, Strip Distri…

22 Jun 2013 469
A somewhat sinister Santa

1-800-For Coit – West Broadway near Cambie Street,…

30 Apr 2012 436
I did a double-take when I saw this truck. If you know French, seeing the name on side panel provides one of life's unexpected little amusements. (If you don't speak French, try looking up the word in a French-English dictionary.)