Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: Belmont Road NW

Madam's Organ – 18th Street between Columbia and B…

Botanica Yemaya & Chango – 18th Street between Col…

13 Dec 2012 1 1528
Santeria is a religion of the West African diaspora. It is based on native African traditions that were brought to the Americas by African slaves. Native American beliefs, Catholicism and the experiences of slavery merged with these African religions to form what they are today. Santeria developed in Cuba, although it can be found in many countries today, primarily spread through emigration from Cuba. The orishas are the gods of Santeria. In Yoruba mythology, Yemaya is the mother goddess, patroness of women, especially pregnant women. According to many stories, she was present at the beginning of the world and all life comes from her, including the Orishas. She is the owner of the waters and the sea. Her colours are blue and white like the waters. In particular, she is the mother of Chango, one of the most popular Orishas of the Yoruba pantheon. He is the Orisha of thunder, lightning, justice, manly strength and passion, and the fire dance. The owner of thr Bata drums, he represents dance and music, and symbolizes the joy of life, the intensity of life, male beauty, passion, intelligence and wealth. His colours are red and white.

Mellow Arts – 18th Street between Columbia and Bel…

Site of the Former Café Lautrec – 18th Street betw…