Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: National Gallery of Art

Impressions of the Gift Shop – National Gallery of…

"The Invention of Glory" – Gift Shop, National Gal…

Warholiana – Gift Shop, National Gallery of Art, W…

The Walkway to the East Wing – National Gallery of…

05 Aug 2012 328
The moving walkway between the East and West Buildings has taken on a new dimension wih the addition of a site-specific LED sculpture by artist Leo Villareal. About 41000 LEDs were inserted in the vaulted architecture of the walkway. The artist then programmed the electronic circuitry to form kinetic configurations of white light conveying associations ranging from artificial life to organic form. The programming both instructs the lights and allows for an element of chance. While it is possible that a pattern will repeat during a viewer’s experience, it is unlikely.

Overflowing Fountains – National Gallery of Art, W…

11 May 2011 403
“The cistern contains: the fountain overflows.” - William Blake The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

The Square of Pei – National Gallery of Art, Washi…

10 May 2011 406
I.M. Pei's signature pyramid skylights are located on the terrace that connects the East and West Wings of the National Gallery of Art. (It has been a long time since high school ... Now I remember what a tetrahedron is!)