John Sheldon's photos with the keyword: Yashica

Name, rank and number

23 Jan 2021 1 1 88
Name: Yashica Rank: Mat Number: MT 2030216 That is, the 216th Yashica-Mat camera to be manufactured in March of 1962. The model had been introduced by the Yashica company in 1957, the 'Mat' signifying autoMATic shutter cocking. (This meant, turn the film winder away from you to wind on the frames, then reverse it to cock the shutter.) The original Yashima company formed the camera name by merging YASHIma and CAmera to become Yashica. (Picture from 2011 archive.)

Trip Trick Diptych

25 Dec 2018 3 3 222
Acantilados peligrosos-no suba. Ooops! Clogwyni peryglus-Peidiwch â dringo. Ooops! Dangerous Cliffs - Do Not Climb. Ooops! Επικίνδυνα βράχια-δεν ανεβαίνουν. Ooops! Falaises dangereuses-ne pas grimper. Ooops! Gefährliche Klippen-nicht klettern. Ooops! Niebezpieczne skały-nie wspinać. Ooops! Penhascos perigosos-não escale. Ooops! Perillosos cingles - no pujar. Ooops! Scogliere pericolose-non salire. Ops! 危険な崖-登ることはありません。 おっと! Cornwall, England, July 1981. Yashica-Mat TLR film camera. Ilford FP4 film, ID IX developer.

Photograph of my Grandma

03 Aug 2016 214
Picture of Yashicamat TLR straight out of the camera. Scanned picture of Grandma tilted and turned into the correct plane, and montaged in, using serif PhotoPlus X5 software. Pentax A 50mm f1.7 prime lens.

Camera with a lot of bottle

03 Aug 2016 1 252
In no way do I suggest that the Yashica-Mat lenses are like the bottoms of bottles - they have always rightly been highly regarded for their optical performance. Yashica-Mat 1957 model, manufactured in 1962. Pentax A 50mm f1.7 prime lens.


03 Aug 2016 1 148
1962 Yashica-Mat twin lens reflex film camera, wearing its supplementary close-up lenses.

Yashica-Mat Equipment

03 Aug 2016 152
This camera model was introduced by Yashica in 1957 and this one's serial number places its manufacture in 1962. Apart from the self-timer and shutter speeds slower than 1/30 sec, it still works.

The World of Film Cameras

03 Aug 2016 1 157
1962 Yashica-Mat twin lens reflex film camera with some accessories and an 'original' Ilford FP4 film reel. Pentax A 50mm f1.7 prime lens.

Reflex Lens Twin

27 May 2013 1 317
A photo-manipulation made using layers. The coloured image layer has been manipulated to suggest the curvature of the lenses.