Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: experiment
28 Jul 2017 |
I've been trying to make the Pollinator Plus Strip a little more organized and formal since it's on the inside of the fence this year. The ends are lacking the fullness and color that the center of the strip has. I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming along, and plan to move a few more plants into it, as well as split what is there and spread it out.
25 Nov 2016 |
This summer I'm letting a section of lawn go wild, with interspersed plantings of perennials. I'm calling it The Pollinator Plus Strip. My thinking is the perennials and wildflowers attract and sustain various pollinators and other insects. The insects are food for birds and small mammals. The grasses provide forage for grazing wildlife and seed for rodents and birds. It's a whole little ecosystem on the side of the road! The most surprising thing is the beauty of the ten or so different grasses that are growing.
05 Jan 2013 |
One thing about not having enough shooting light this time of the year; I'm forced to improvise. I'm feeling my way around my macro lens. These are beads on one of my lamps, not much adjustment other than cropping and a slight exposure tweak.
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