Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: pet

Bizzy in the yard

camouflage kitty

07 May 2017 106
I started a new raised bed garden project, but tendonitis in both arms has me waylaid for now. At least the cats are enjoying the materials!

Bizzy soaks up the warm sun for the first time thi…

Calypso through the cat door

a throne for a queen

21 Nov 2016 92
I picked up this old fireplace insert at a yard sale; I'm hoping to use it as a fire pit but maybe it'll just be a cat perch...who knows.

Merry Christmas, lousy new year.

15 Feb 2016 127
Raven had a very good Christmas, spoiled to the ears with goodies and a new coat. Unfortunately her health issues became too much and I had to let her go in late January. I am so thankful for the short time I had with her, and hope she felt loved and safe and wanted in her final year. It makes me so angry to think of whoever owned her and neglected her to the point that her health issues were so overwhelming. If you have a pet, you have a responsibility to take care of them. I did my best for this little dog, and loved her with all my heart, but sometimes love just can't fix everything. Goodbye, Raven. I will never forget you.

177 items in total