Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: farm animals

ever heard that saying...

04 Jul 2011 79
"like a banty rooster"? Now you get it.

cry "havoc" and let slip the...sheep?...of war


20 Apr 2011 101
I'm pretty sure they want to eat your soul.

yard guard

01 Feb 2011 128
takes his job seriously

welcoming commitee

18 Jul 2010 72
Probably the coolest looking piglets I've ever seen! After some searching I think I've identified them as a Duroc cross. Duroc piglets tend to have the brindle/striped patterns like these little sows.

armadillo impression

18 Jul 2010 1 67
Yer definitely doin' it right.
18 Jul 2010 97
This photo was almost devoid of color, so I played with it a little.

29 items in total